Encyclopedia of the Palestine Problem

Subject index


Administrative Detention of Palestinians, 673-682

Administrative detention is a War Crime, 673

Indictment of Nazi War Criminals defines administrative detention as a War Crime, 673

Israeli leaders are as guilty as Nazi leaders, 673

List of Palestinians detained 1985-1986, 675-681

National Lawyers Guild report regarding Human Rights violations, 675

Palestinian Arabs allowed no rights, 673

United Nations Security Council holds that 1949 Geneva Convention applies to the West Bank and Gaza, 674

United States position since 1967 is that 1949 Geneva Convention applies to West Bank and Gaza, 674

Biblical Prophecy, the State of Israel is Not a Fulfillment of, 975-1021

Abraham, 976-978, 993-994, 1000-1002

Fulfillment of promise for seed of Abraham, 993-994

Jews of today mostly not descendants of, 1000-1002

Promises to, 976-978

Abraham and nephew Lot agreed, Abraham and his descendants would live in land of Canaan on left side of Jordan river, and Lot and his descendants would live on the right side of the Jordan river (Genesis3:8-18), 1016

Abraham was not a Jew, 1006

Ammonites and Moabites descendants of Lot, 1016

Amman, capital of Jordan, is named for Ammon and is on site of Ammonite capital, Rabbah, 1016

Ancestors of Jordanians are Ammonites, Moabites and Nabatean Arabs, 1016

Beegle, professor Dewey M., exposes fantasies of Hal Lindsey, 1005-1006

Believers in Jesus Christ are heirs to promise, 994-995

Biblical scholars refuting Zionist claims that Israel is a fulfillment of Biblical prophecy include: 1008-1012

Aalders, Dr. G. Ch., rector magnificus and professor of Old Testament Prophecy, Free University of Amsterdam, 1012

Bray, Evangelist John L., Southern Baptist Minister, 1009-1011

Guillaume, Dr. Alfred, professor of Old Testament studies, University of London, 1008

Rand, Howard B., editor of interdenominational Christian magazine Destiny, 1013

Sellers, Dr. Omid R., professor of Old Testament, McCormick Theological Seminary, 1009

Sherman, Rt. Rev. Jonathan G., Suffragan Bishop, Episcopal Dioscese of Long Island, 1009

Stagg, Dr. Frank, professor of New Testament, southern Baptist Theological seminary, New Orleans, 1008-1009

Stinespring, Dr. William F., professor of Old Testament and Semitics, Duke University, 1009

Watkins, Bradley, United Presbyterian Church, 1011

Wilmot, Dr. John, Pastor Highgate Road Baptist Chapel, London, 1011-1012

Boundaries of land promised to Abraham's descendants from Red sea to sea of Philistines (Mediterranea near Gaza), and from the desert (Negeb) to the river (Jordan), 1016

Deuteronomy 11:31 cites, "ye shall pass over Ordan to go in to possess the land," 1016

Chosen people, 997-1000

Chosen people are those who believe in Jesus Christ, 997

Comparison between beliefs of Jews. Christians and Muslims, 994-997

God, 995

Jesus Christ, 996

The Gospels, 996-997

The Prophets, 995

Virgin Mary, 995

David, 980-981

promises to, 980-981

Destruction and exile predicted by major prophets, 988-989

Eldad, Israel (alias Sheib), terrorist associate of Hal Lindsey, 1004

Exile predicted by major prophets, 988-989

Ezekiel, 988

Testifies to Israelite wickedness and violations of Lord's commandments, 988

Fallacies preached by Hal Lindsey, 1002-1006

Falwell, Jerry, and other fraudulent evangelists quote Genesis 12:3, "And I bless them that bless thee, and curse them that curseth thee ..." Falwell and others fraudulently omit "and in thee shall all the families of the earth be blessed" which refers to Abraham, 1007

Abraham was neither an Israelite nor a Jew, 1007

Seed of Abraham was Jesus Christ, 1007

Falwell, Jerry, commits blunder by stating there is a Jewish race, 1006

Encyclopedia Britannica states there is no Jewish race, 1006

Falwell, Jerry, delivered sermons in Israel on closed-circuit television for his followers. 1006


Graham, Billy, was not allowed to mention name of Jesus Christ in public hall in either Jerusalem or Tel Aviv, 1006


Never allowed to mention name of Jesus Christ in a public hall, 1006

Falwell, Jerry, fallacies of, 1006

"Bible prophesied return of Jews and establishment of Jewish nation after 2,500 years," 1006

Falwell quotes Genesis and misinterprets Bible verses to suit Israel, 1006

Falwell states Abraham father of Jewish race which contradicts the saying of Jesus Christ, 1006

He quotes verses from the Bible which refer to Israelite return from Babylonia, 1006

Falwell, Jerry, friend of terrorist and War Criminal Menahem Begin who gave Falwell a jet airplane, 1006

Falwell, Jerry, major mercenary electronic evangelist, 1006-1008

Falwell, Jerry, misquotes and misinterprets all the verses from Jeremiah and Ezekiel, 1007

Falwell, Jerry, quotes Ezekiel which refers to return of the Jews from Babylonia "from among the heathen" and applies to the present immigration of Jews to Palestine, implying that the Christians of Europe and America are "heathens," 1007

Falwell, Jerry, quotes Isaiah 43:5-6 and ignores Isaiah 43:14 which refers specifically to the return from Babylonia, 1007

Falwell, Jerry, quotes Jeremiah which refers to return of Israelites from Babylonian captivity applying it to coming of Jews to Palestine in 19th and 20th centuries, 1006

Falwell, Jerry, says, "God has blessed America because America has blessed the Jew," 1007


America is aiding and abetting Israeli terrorists and War Criminals, 1007

Falwell's book, Listen, America, contains fraudulent misrepresentations about Israel, 1006

Chapter, "Miracle called Israel," exposes his ignorance about Palestine problem, 1006

Chapter, "Miracle called Israel," misrepresents and misinterprets the Bible, 1006

Fulfillment of Old Testament promises, 981-982

Fulfillment of promise for possession of land, 982

Fulfillment of promise for seed of Abraham, 993-994

Fulfillment of promise of future blessings for all nations, 992-993

God, 995

Belief of Christians, 995

Belief of Jews, 995

Belief of Muslims, 995

God promised Israelites would be dispossessed if they disobeyed his commands, 982-984

Gospels, 996-997

Belief of Christians, 996

Belief of Jews, 996

Belief of Muslims, 996-997

Heirs to promise, believers in Jesus Christ are, 993-995

Hoax, Hal Lindsey's book the Late Great Planet Earth is a, 1002-1006

Interpretation of promises to Patriarchs, 978-979

Isaac, 978

promise to, 978

Isaiah, 984-985

Testifies to Israelite wickedness and violations of Lord's commandments, 984-985

Israelites return from Babylonia and Persian empire, 990

Israelites who wanted to return from Babylonian captivity all returned, 990

Israelites would be dispossessed if they disobeyed God's commands, 982-984

Jacob, 978

promise to, 978

Jeremiah, 985-987

Testifies to Israelite wickedness and violations of Lord's commandments, 985-987

Jesus Christ, 996

Belief of Christians, 996

Belief of Jews, 996

Belief of Muslims, 996

Jewish Temple, rebuilding of, 1004-1005

Jesus said, "I will destroy this temple..," 1004

Prediction of rebuilding Jewish Temple by Hal Lindsey denies Jesus Christ, 1004

Rosenau, Dr. Helen, Jewish art historian, says rebuilding temple "undesirable," 1005

Jews of today, majority of, not descendants of Abraham, 1000 - 1002

Jews of today, majority of, not Semites, 1000-1002

Jews of today, majority of, of Khazar origin, 1001-1002

Poliak, Professor Abraham N., Tel Aviv University, states descendants of Khazars "constitute now the large majority of world Jews," 1001-1002

Jordan is not Palestine, 1016-1017

Jordan was not included in the Biblical promise to Israelites, 1016

In Exodus 23:31 and Deuteronomy 11:31 Moses expressly defines the land promised as being solely west of the Jordan river, 1016

Joshua, promise for possession of land of Canaan fulfilled, 1014

Khazars converted to Judaism, 1001 - 1002

Dr. John Wilmot testifies Yiddish-speaking Jews have no racial connection with Palestine or ancient Hebrews and are Khazars, 1002

Jewish encyclopedia reports conversion of Khazars to Judaism, 1001

Professor Graetz describes Khazar kingdom, 1001

Late Great Planet Earth, by Hal Lindsey, is a hoax 1002 - 1006

Lindsey, Hal, a mercenary evangelist, 1002 - 1006

Lindsey, Hal, associate of Israel Eldad (alias Sheib) Stern Gang terrorist leader and murderer, 1004

Lindsey, Hal, brainwashing American Christians, 1002-1006

Lindsey, Hal, fallacies preached by, 1002-1006

Lindsey, Hal, fantasies of, 1005-1006

Beegle, Professor Dewey M., exposes fantasies of Hal Lindsey, 1005-1006

Lindsey, Hal, misinterpretations of Old and New Testament, 1003 - 1006

Lindsey, Hal, purposely misleads millions of Americans, 1002 - 1006

Commits a fraud on the New Testament and on Jesus Christ, 1005

Listen, America, book by Jerry Falwell, has fraudulent chapter on Israel in biblical prophecy, 1006 - 1009

Major prophets testify to Israelite wickedness and violations of Lord's commandments, 984-988

Ezekiel, 988

Isaiah, 984-985

Jeremiah, 985-987

Majority of Biblical scholars refute fallacy that Israel is fulfillment of Biblical prophecy, 1008-1017

Moses, 979-980

promises to, 979-980

New Covenant abrogated old Covenant, 990-992

No prophecy in Old or New Testament concerning return of Jews to Palestine after Jesus Christ, 1002-1006

Preposterous declarations of Christian evangelists: 975-976

Evans, Mike, "America blessed because it stands with Israel," 976

Falwell, Jerry, "1948 Israel is fulfillment of Old and New Testament prophecy," 975

Humbard, Rex, "Old Testament prophecies are being fulfilled daily," 976

Lindsey, Hal, "God swore he would bring back the Jews to Palestine," 976

Swaggart, Jimmy, "God will bless those that bless Israel and will curse them that curse Israel," 976

Preposterous Zionist Declarations: 975-976

"All Jews are Holy," 975

"All the people of the world divided into two parts, the Jews and the wicked," 975

"God fulfilling his promises to Jews,"975

"God promised Palestine for the Jews," 975

"God returning the chosen people to their promised land,"975

"Israelites children of God,"975

"None but Israel is beloved to God,"975

"Palestine is the land of Israel," 975

"People without a land wish return to their historic homeland without a people," 975

"The Gentiles of the world will convert to Judaism or become slaves of the Jews," 975

"The Jews are the chosen prople," 975

"Zionist state in 1948 fulfillment of prophecy," 975

Promises in Old Testament to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, King David, 976-981

Promise to Isaac, 978

Promise to Jacob, 978

Promise to Solomon, 981

Promises to Abraham, 976-978

Promises to David, 980-981

Promises to Moses, 979-980

Prophecies concerning return of Israelites to Land of Canaan, 989-990

Prophets, 995

Belief of Christians, 995

Belief of Jews, 995

Belief of Muslims, 995

Punishment predicted by prophets fulfilled by destruction and exile, 988-989

Return of Israelites from Babylonia and Persian empire, 990

Return of Israelites to Land of Canaan in Biblical prophecies, 989-990

Return of Jews to Palestine after Jesus Christ, no prophecy in Old or New Testament concerning, 1002-1006

Return of Jews to Palestine today not fulfillment of Old or New Testament prophecies, 1002 - 1006

Saint Paul, statements of, 993-994

"All children of God by faith in Jesus Christ," 994

"Blessing of Abraham comes to Gentiles through Jesus Christ,"993

"If ye be Christ's, ye are Abraham's seed and heirs according to the promise,"994

"Neither Jew, nor Greek, nor bond, nor free, are all one in Christ Jesus,"994

"To Abraham and his seed were the promise made, which is Christ,"993

Saint Peter and Saint Paul confirm the following, 1015

All nations who believe in God and Jesus will be blessed through faith, 1015

Christ redeemed all people from the curse of the law, 1015

That all men are the children of God by faith in Jesus Christ, 1015

The blessing of Abraham will come to the gentiles through Christ, 1015

The heathen will be blessed through faith, 1015

The New Covenant means the forgiveness of sins, 1015

The New Covenant was confirmed in Jesus Christ, 1015

They will receive the promise of the spirit through faith, 1015

Those who believe in Jesus Christ are the children of Abraham, 1015

Seed of Abraham, 993-994

Sheib, Israel, Stern Gang terrorist leader associated with Hal Lindsey, 1004

Solomon, 981

Disobeyed law of God and worshipped false gods, 981

Promise to Solomon, 981

Virgin Mary, 995-996

Belief of Christians, 995

Belief of Jews, 995

Belief of Muslims, 995-996


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