Encyclopedia of the Palestine Problem

Subject index — part 7 of 10

Modern History of Palestine, 23-30

Acre Sanjak, 23

Arabs under Ottomans, 23

Balka Sanjak, 23

Husseini, Haj Amin, testifies before Royal Commission, 23

Independent Sanjak of Jerusalem, 23

Jewish population: 1945 (Estimate), 26

Jews in Palestine: 1948, 26

League of Nations covenant, 24

Mandate, Class A, 24

Ottomans conquer Palestine, 23

Palestine, administrative division, 25

Palestine boundaries, area, 24-25

Palestine deputies in Ottoman Parliament, 24

Palestine, government, 27-28

Palestine, local councils, 30

Palestine, local government, 28-29

Palestine, municipal councils, 29

Palestine officials: British, Arabs, Jews, 28

Palestine, part of Ottoman Empire, 23

Palestine population: 1914, 1920, 1921, 1922, 25

Palestine population: 1946, 25

Percentages of Arabs and Jews, 26

Palestine Population: 1948 (Estimate), 26

Palestine Royal Commission, 23-24

Palestine under British mandate, 24-25

Palestine under Turkish rule, 23-24

Villayat of Beirut, 23

Mossad Terrorism and Crimes Against Palestinians and Others in Europe and the Middle East, 831-849

Abu Daoud, murdered 1981, 841

Abu Jihad (Khalil Al Wazir), murdered 1988, 842-847

Abu Sharif, Bassam, wounded and lost one eye in 1972, 833

Adhami, Ali Naji Awad Al-, murdered 1987, 842

Adnan, Hamad, murdered 1978, 840

Adwan, Hamdi, murdered 1988, 842

Ahmed, Ali Salem, murdered 1979, 843

Alchir, Abad, murdered 1973, 836

Alwazir, Khalil (Abu Jihad), 842-857

Security Council condemns Israel for Abu Jihad's murder, 847

Statements condemning the murder made by:

Belonogov, Alexander, Ambassador of USSR, 845-847

Blanc, Pierre-Louis, Ambassador of France, 844

Bucci, Maurizion, Ambassador of Italy, 844-845

Mestiri, Mahmoud, Foreign Minister of Tunisia, 842-844

Pejic, Dragoslave, Ambassador of Yugoslavia, 847

Tickell, Sir Crispin, Ambassador of United Kingdom, 844

Yuanhong, Din, Ambassador of China, 845

Aranki, Nabil Wadi, murdered 1982, 841

Beirut massacre, (see also Massacre in Beirut), 836-838

Ben-Gurion organizes Israeli intelligence, 831-832

Bouchiki, Ahmed, murdered 1973, 838-840

Boudia, Mohammed, murdered 1973, 838

Dani, Fadl, murdered 1982, 841

German scientists, murder of, 832-833

Ghazala, Munzer Abu, murdered 1986, 842

Hamami, Said, murdered 1978, 840

Hamshari, Mahmud, murdered 1972, 834-835

Harari, Mike, headed Mossad assassination section, 835- 836

Hostages, kidnapping and taking of: 847-848

Higgins, Colonel William, 848

Obeid, Ahmed Sheikh, kidnapped, 847

Vanunu, Mordechai, kidnapped, 848

Hussain, Kamal, murdered 1982, 841

Italian Court condemns Mossad murders, 834

Kalak, Ezzedine, murdered 1978, 840

Kanafami, Marwan, wounded 1988, 833, 842

Kanafani, Ghassan, murdered, 1972, 833

Kasim, Abu Al Hassan, murdered 1988, 842

Khader, Naim, murdered 198 1, 841

Kubaissi, Basil Al, murdered 1973, 836

Massacre in Beirut, 836-838

Adwan, Kamal, murdered 1973, 837-838

Najjar, Yussuf, murdered 1973, 837-838

Nasser, Kamal, murdered 1973, 837-838

Matar, Nazayh, murdered 1982, 841

Meir, Golda, gave orders for assassination of Palestinians, 833

Mohsen, Zuheir, murdered 1979, 840

Moqbell, Hanna, murdered 1984, 841

Mossad assassinations, 840

Abdul Aziz, Ibrahim, murdered 1979, 840

Mossad's origin, 831-832

Murder by mistaken identity, 838-840

Murder of German scientists, 832-833

Nazal, Khaled Ahmed, murdered 1986, 841

Norwegian Court condemns Mossad murders, 839-840

Salameh, Ali Hassan, murdered 1979, 843

Saleh, Mahmoud, murdered 1977, 840

Sharar, Majed Abu, murdered 1981, 841

Zuwaiter, Wael Adel, murdered 1972, 833-834

Muslim Holy Places: Destruction, desecration and usurpation, 371-393

Ariel, Rabbi Israel, head of Temple Institute reconstructs some ritual implements for temple sacrifices, 392

Al Aqsa Mosque, 371-372, 380-386, 391-392

Aggression against 1986, 383-386

Aggression against 1987, 391-392

Attack in 1981, 382

Attempts to burn 1982-1986, 371-372, 380-381

Desecration of 1982-1986, 371-372

Beisan Mosque turned into museum, 391

Commission to investigate claims of Muslims and Jews regarding Wailing Wall, 388

Decision of Commission that the Wailing Wall is the Western Wall of Al Masjid Al Aqsa, 388

Conspiracy to destroy Al Aqsa Mosque, 387-389

Kook, chief Rabbi Abrahm Ishaq, 387-388

Melchett, Lord (Alfred Mond) wishes the Temple to be rebuilt on the site of Al Aqsa Mosque, 387

Rosenbach, Abraham, writes to Grand Mufti of Palestine, 387-388

Ussishkin, Menahem Mendel, request to turn over to Jews area  of Al Aqsa Mosque, 387

Criminal conspiracy between Christian Evangelist and Zionist terrorists, 389-391

Baker, Jim, 389

Evans, Mike, 389

Falwell, Jerry, 389

Lindsey, Hal, 389

Robertson, Pat, 389

Swaggart, Jimmy, 389

Desecration and Destruction of other Mosques, 386-387

Destruction of 480 Muslim Mosques in 1948-50, 371

Destruction of 410 Muslim cemeteries in 1948- 1950, 371

Destruction of Muslim Mosques and Waqf property in 1967, 371

Eldad, Israel (alias Sheib), predicts the destruction of Al Aqsa Mosque, 388

Excavation under and around Al Aqsa Mosque, 372, 377-378, 380-382

Goldfoot, Stanley, Secretary General of Jerusalem Temple Foundation, conspires to destroy Al Aqsa Mosque: was a member of Irgun Z'vai Leumi and took part in King David Hotel massacre, 389, 391

Halsell, Grace, reports about conspiracy between Zionists and Christian Evangelists to destroy Al Aqsa Mosque, 390-391

Ibrahimi Mosque in Hebron, 372-374

Desecration and usurpation, 372-373

Recent desecration and usurpation of the Ibrahimi Mosque in 1982-1984, 373-374

Israeli conspiracy to destroy the Al Aqsa Mosque and build the Jewish Temple on its site, 388

Israeli desecration and usurpation of Muslim Mosques records and the Islamic Higher Council, 374

Jewish Temple: Israeli religious affairs ministry sponsors conference on Temple research, 392

Kasim, Marwan, Foreign Minister report about excavation and desecration, 380

Khatib, Rouhi, Mayor of East Jerusalem, in testimony of Security Council about Israeli destruction and usurpation, 374-377

Ledeen, Michael and Barbara, report in the New Republic the Temple Mount Plot, 389-390

Moslems are owners of the Western Wall of the Al Aqsa Mosque named by Zionists, the Wailing Wall, 388

Nuseibeh, Ambassador Hazem, report about excavations, 380

Salah, Ambassador Abdallah, 383-384, 386-387

Reports about aggression against Al Aqsa Mosque, 383-384

Reports about aggression against Muslim Holy places, 386-387

Security Council condemns acts against Muslim holy places, 379-380, 385-386

Waqf properties, 371

Zionists occupied all Muslim religious properties (Waqf) in 1948-50, 371

Palestinian Arabs are a Well-Developed Nation, 33-60

Arab agriculture in Palestine, 40-42

Arab and Jewish economy, comparison, 49-50

Arab bank, 50

Arab Higher Committee, target="_blank"36-37

Arab Higher Committee fourth, 39

Arab Higher Committee second, 37-38

Arab Higher Committee third, 38-39

Arab Higher Committee relations with Arab League, 37-38

Arab National Bank, 50

Arab owned citrus groves, 40

Arab reform party, 36

Banking in Palestine, 50

Citrus exports, 41

Construction industry, 48-49

Cultural advancement, 55-56

Dairy products, 47

Education, Palestine Arab, 50-52

Fishing industry, 47

Grains and legumes, 41

Health services in Palestine, 52

Holy places of Palestine, 56-59

Christian, 56-57

Jewish, 58-59

Muslim, 57-58

Industry, Palestinian Arab, 42-49

Istiqlalist party, 36

Labour movement in palestine, 52-54

Land-saving schemes, 39

Leather industries, 46-47

Livestock, 42, 48

Meat products, 48

Metal industry, 45

National Bloc party, 36

National Defense party, 36

Notable Palestinians, 55-56

Olive Oil industry, 41, 44

Olives, 41

Palestine Arab party, 36

Palestine congresses, 35

Palestine was a developed country since the 19th century, 33

Paper and cardboard, 47

Political advancement of Palestinians, 35-39

Poultry products, 47

Press, Arabic press in Palestine, 54-55

Private buildings, 49

Roots of Palestinians in Palestine, 33

Soap manufacturing, 44

Stones, bricks and tiles, 46

Textiles, 45

Tobacco industries, 45-46

Tourist industry, 48

Vegetables, 41-42

Weaving and allied industries, 45

Woodworks, 46

Youth movements, 39

Zionist lies, 33-34

Zionists steal Palestinian lands, 34

Dayan, General Moshe, admission, 34

Zeevi, General Rehav'am, admission, 34


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